Keller saved time by reducing the pile installation schedule from 14 weeks to 8 weeks and without disturbing ancient Tequesta Indian remains.

The project
Met Square is a 43-story multi-use high rise with a 7-story podium to be completed in 2018. The structure will have an 18-screen Silverspot cinema, restaurants, and a 391-unit apartment tower all being built over a Tequesta Indian Settlement. Soil conditions consisted of limestone with varying degrees of cementation typical of the downtown Miami area.
The challenge
Located in downtown Miami, the densely populated area is swarmed with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The project site was bordered by MetroMover to the north and Biscayne Boulevard to the south. Some areas of the site were off-limits due to ancient Tequesta Indian remains. The restrictive site caused logistical issues for pile installation and multiple grout trucks were required to be on-site to commence auger cast pile installation. The limited working hours impacted production.
The solution
The key to success on this project was careful planning with field personnel and suppliers. Keller coordinated 5 grout trucks to keep the project on track within limited working hours. We installed over 100, 36-in.-diameter auger cast piles up to 117 ft in length on the constricted site.